Professional regulation

In accordance with Article 7 of our Articles of Association, the Association shall be governed by the following provisions by order of legislative rank:

  1. The Spanish Constitution.
  2. The Omnibus Act, Law 25/2009 of 22 December 2009.
  3. Act 39/2015, of 1 October, regarding the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations.
  4. Act 17/2009, of 23 November, on free access to service activities and the exercise thereof.
  5. Act 10/2003, of 6 November, regulating Professional Associations in Andalusia and their Regulations approved by Decree 217/06, of 12 December.
  6. Code of Ethics.
  7. These Articles of Association.
  8. Act 17/2009, of 23 November, on free access to service activities and the exercise thereof.
  9. The Organic Statute governing the profession of the Gestor Administrativo approved by Decrees 424/1963 of 1 March, 2129/1970 of 9 July, 3598/1972 of 23 December and 606/1977 of 24 March, and Royal Decrees 1324/1979 of 4 April, 2787/1979 of 26 October, 1274/1983 of 27 April, 2886/1983 of 26 October and 2532/98 of 27 November ; and the Regulation of the Practice of the Profession, approved in plenary sessions of the General Council of the Ilustres Colegios Oficiales de Gestores Administrativos of 30 September and 16 December 1999.
  10. The Statutes of the Andalusian Council of Colegios Oficiales de Gestores Administrativos approved by Order of 21 September 2007 (BOJA, 18 October ) of Andalusia’s Regional Department of Justice and Public Administration.

Área de colegiados
